JUST ACT - Janjanbureh Uniting Sustainable Tourism And Community Training
In 2015 JUST ACT was registered as an independent organisation with The National Youth Council The Gambia retaining the same Main Aims as Just Act Gambia
To enable community-led development
To support accredited and non - accredited training through local organisations thereby developing life skills and income earning opportunities
To maximise the use of local expertise in developing training
To enable Janjanbureh and surrounding areas to develop responsible, sustainable pro-poor tourism for the benefit of the community whilst respecting the local culture, traditions and the natural environment
To enable rural regeneration so the school population of today is assured of a prospering town sufficient to reduce rural /urban/ illegal migration
Omar Jammeh
Chair and Hiking
Guide Coordinator
Lamin Hiking Guide
Maxi Hiking Guide
Muhammed Hiking Guide
Seedy Hiking Guide
Team Supporter, Advisor
Nature Friends Germany